2024 US General Election Special - Unofficial LAist "Guide to LA Election Guides" Endorsement Tracker Spreadsheet

For anyone in LA searching for endorsement guides for the November election, here is a spreadsheet tracking the positions of the outlets named in LAist's Guide To LA's Many Voting Guides from the March Primary. View, copy, or download it here:
Unofficial LAist "Guide to LA Voter Guides" Endorsement Tracker - 2024 General Election
This covers State and Federal elections for LA County, and LA County, City of LA, and LAUSD and LACCD municipal races (but generally no city elections other than City of LA). Doesn't include the guides in the article that are also spreadsheets, which leaves:
Democratic Socialists of America LA
East Area Progressive Democrats
The former Knock LA (associated with Ground Game LA)
The Los Angeles County Democratic Party
The Republican Party of Los Angeles County
The California Working Families Party
This is basically like the sheet made by Ben Bram but not progressive oriented (there are more progressive guides linked there that are also good to check out). The idea is that when you see conflicting endorsements from different groups who you generally agree with, it can be helpful to also see what oppositely aligned groups think. I was also personally surprised by the amount of disagreement between apparently similarly aligned groups on several items, so it pays to shop around...
I may update the sheet over the coming month.
I make no recommendations other than to read all or most of the actual guides linked. I am also in no way affiliated with LAist or any of the organizations discussed. For what it's worth I worked in LA political fundraising for a few years and in fact met some of these candidates...